10 September, 2012
We’re often asked by client PR teams to help engage staff, trustees and volunteers prior to the launch of new campaigns. Undoubtedly, the level of internal involvement can make or break an external comms programme. Supportive colleagues can unearth fantastic stories, find compelling case studies that bring messaging to life and help spread the word to stakeholders.
There are clear advantages to the PR team to have everyone involved. But what’s in it for everyone else? Why should they bother? How can you bring colleagues on board?
From what we’ve seen, the most effective PR teams start with an honest appreciation of how well PR is understood and valued within their organisation. If needs be, this means going right back to basics and explaining the value of communications and the impact it can have. This is best done when PR people talk not about column inches or awareness-raising, but about what that leads to: income, changes in the policy landscape, better outcomes for service users.
And then it’s about keeping colleagues informed on an ongoing basis. This doesn’t mean waiting until case studies are needed for a new campaign, but talking regularly, listening properly, working to establish strong relationships and making sure PR campaigns truly support the work of other teams.
In the same way that PR teams work hard to develop robust external comms plans, the best think just as carefully about how, what and when to communicate internally.
Make sure internal teams aren’t a forgotten audience when you do your planning. Download our latest guide for some useful tips and tweet us at @amzpr.