13 August, 2014
The marvellous CharityComms recently published a very good report to guide charities in their appointment and management of agencies.
The report – crafted by Kay Parris and steered by some big brains in the sector – is refreshingly robust, offering an informed and straight-talking guide, brimming with honest insights and practical tips.
There’s a lot in here for charities to take on, but we’re glad to see some pointers for agencies too.
The report includes a list of things charities complain about, like when their agency over-promises and under-delivers, when the enthusiasm of the agency team diminishes, when unexpected invoices arrive, and when the agency fails to produce in the pitch meeting the actual team that would do the work.
It’s all about partnership. So the principles that underpin success – trust, honesty, mutual respect, open communication – need to be followed by both sides. If they are, those values will shine through in your work together. Perfect!