23 September, 2014
We’re pleased to announce that, after the success of the digital storytelling project ’21 Stories’ we are once again working with the Foyer Federation during an exciting stage of the charity’s development.
On 1st September youth leadership charity Changemakers merged into the Foyer Federation, which works to support young people in their transition to adulthood. We were called in to work with the Foyer Federation’s senior management team in the run up to the merger, providing advice on the rollout of information to funders, partners, services and the wider youth and social care sector. The team also developed media materials for the launch, and secured coverage across the professional press, including Third Sector, cypnow.co.uk, Civil Society and Charity Times.
Joel Attar, Development and Delivery Officer at the Foyer Federation, says:
“At a time of real significance for the Foyer Federation it has been vitally helpful to have the support and insight of the Amazon team. We wanted to be sure we communicated to best effect, which meant being clear and comprehensive with our messaging and capitalising on the moment to in order to build our Advantaged Thinking Movement. Amazon’s input enabled us to do this.”
We will continue to work with the Foyer Federation as it builds momentum around its Advantaged Thinking Movement for young people’s services.